Sunday 11 May 2014

Displaying our Kids Artwork at Home.

Kids love to draw and color and what better way to encourage them, than to display their best pieces in the house. It gives a personal touch to the home and makes the child feel superb seeing them on the family walls.
Displaying our children's artwork shows them we recognize and value their creative work, builds their confidence and is an expression of our love as parents for them.

It doesn't matter how simple or abstract the drawing or a super hero drawing is. There is no other way to personalize your home than to adorn it with creative works of the kids. The best ones can be framed and placed in the sitting rooms, bedrooms and even placed on the fridge with fridge magnets.
This is a cheaper and unique way of personalizing your home.
Check out drawings and paintings of kids ages 3 years

Artist- Kachizara Anumba

Please send in photos of your kids creative works to, so I can put up on the blog.
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