Friday 25 April 2014

Creating a focal point in your Master bedroom

The Master bedroom should be everyone's sanctuary. It is where we can show our creative sides without wondering what anyone thinks. It should reflect your style and personality. Whether you want a calm, relaxing or romantic atmosphere in your masters bedroom, it all can be achieved.

Here are tips  to create a Master bedroom you will love to retire to everyday.

1. Create an Accent wall- The bed is the main feature in the masters bedroom, so making the wall behind the bed an accent wall, will make the bed look even great. Painting the wall is a quick way to transform your Master bedroom.  First, decide on the wall you want to be the accent wall, it could be behind your bed or the wall you see once you enter the room. Also using wall paper on an accent wall will do the magic.

2. Artwork or Wall Arts: Painting an accent wall without placing any artwork will make the wall look bare. You can put up an artwork on the wall, this will add texture and patterns. Choose artwork that will draw colors from the surrounding walls, however it shouldn't compete with you bed and bedding.

3. Architectural Features: You can make the wall out of bricks, wood or metal. With this you don't need artwork on the wall because that is the focal point of the room with its architectural details.

4. Lighting: Natural and Artificial lighting adds an appeal to any bedroom. You can control the natural lighting with window treatments such as curtains, blinds etc. A little sunshine won't hurt in the mornings, so open up your windows once you are awake. For artificial lighting, a pendant light or chandelier could be the difference your room needs.

5.Mirrors: Adding mirrors can help to bounce of light and create the illusion of more space in the room.

Dear Readers, please let me know what ideas you have that could create a focal point in your Master bedroom. Get Inspired . Enjoy your space!

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