Monday 11 August 2014

14 Taboo Bed Placements

Taboo Bed placements are common in China, know as the Feng Shui. Sounds hilarious, just thought to share. But this will not apply in Naija o. Most rented apartments have small rooms and doesn't allow you the luxury of placing your bed in different positions.
1. Bedroom door facing the toilet door
If you have this type of arrangement, it will cause illness mainly on the bones and muscles and also loss of wealth. Toilet is a place with moisture, stinky and bad smell, so if you place your bed that way, you will absorb the negative energy.

Room door facing the toilet door

2. Bed facing the room door
Bed facing the room door
It will cause health problem to different parts of your body depending on the door facing.
a. Door facing head – It will cause headache and migraine
b. Door facing stomach – It will cause gastric and stomach problems
c. Door facing legs – It will cause problem relating to your lower body
3. Toilet door facing your bed
Toilet door facing your bed
This situation is worse than scenario 1 (room door facing toilet door).It will cause serious headache and make you loss concentration when thinking. If this problem is not resolved for a long time, it might cause cancer. It might also lead to other types of illness, so it is better to change your bed arrangement as fast as possible.
4. Mirror facing the bed
Mirror facing the bed
This situation will cause you to be in a trance and cannot concentrate your thinking right. See illustration for the places that is suitable to put mirror if really necessary. Try not to put any mirrors in bedroom if possible.
5. Beam above your bed
Beam above your bed
With beam overhead, it gives you a feeling of pressure above you and it might cause insomnia, lack of sleep and headache.
6. Bed facing wall knives

Bed facing wall knives
It might cause dizziness, headache and undetectable illness symptoms.
Solution: In case of a protruding wall corner, or a piece of furniture that cannot be moved, try working with fabric to soften the sharp energy and implement the rounding of a sharp corner. Although it is not cheap, but if you plan to stay long in the house, it is something worth considering.

7. Bed below staircase
Bed below staircase
With this poor placement of the bed, it will cause the person sleeping to have nightmare and bad luck.
Solution: It is not possible to move your stairs so you can just move your bed to a better location.
8. Head facing wall behind toilet bowl
Head facing wall behind toilet bowl
It will cause long period of headache, ideological confusion and your mind cannot concentrate.
Solution: Move the bed to a better location but also take note to apply the the tips too.

9. Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar
Head behind the wall that partition your room and altar
Only the spiritual and Psychic can sleep in this way, so for us, it is recommended to avoid.
Solution: Move either your bed or adjust the altar position.
10. Headboard does not have solid backing support
Headboard does not have solid backing support
Some people like to slant their bed to create a romantic atmosphere or adjusting the bed to move away from beam overhead, but always remember that bed board must have solid wall supporting as a backing. If not , it will affect the quality of sleep.
11. Placing TV, Sound System and hand phone in front of your bed
Placing TV, Sound System and handphone in front of your bed
Bedroom is a place to rest and re-energize yourself for the next day and if you put a TV in your room, you tend to watch it for 1 or 2 hours till you feel sleepy. This will deprive your hours of sleep and affect your next day energy. If this habit continues, it will affect your health and career too. Mobile phone tends to give off radiation even in stand by mode so it is not advisable to place it beside you while sleeping.
12. Air-con directly above your bed
Air-con is directly above your bed
If the air con is directly above you, the cold air will blow straight towards your body and especially when you are sleeping, your pores will be slightly opened so it can easily cause sickness like cold, muscle rigidity and headache.
13. Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet
Position of bed is above or below the stove or toilet
If your bed is above or below the stove, it can affect your liver function as it increase the fire element and toilet is a place of filth, so it will cause health issue.
14. Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceiling

It is always best Fanciful decoration on the Bedroom ceilingto keep the ceiling above your head as simple as possible (Nothing is the best). In the recent years, people like to decorate their ceiling with mirror or some art pieces and this will cause difficulties in sleeping and in long term, it will cause health issue.

Hope these tips will help you in renovating your bedroom in good Feng Shui way.( LOL), that is if you believe the taboo. Any Naija taboos on bed placements, please share in our comments section.
Culled from:

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